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Still high on adrenaline from our ‘adventure sail‘ yesterday, that took us from Baltimore….to the middle of the Chesapeake Bay….and then blown back to Baltimore – it seemed like today would be a good day to get in my long run.

I’ve been sharing Ms. Emma’s training schedule – and it said 20 miles is the long run for this week.   So here is how it went down.

1.  Fired up my Garmin GPS watch – and realized the battery is dead.

2.  Retrieved backup #2 Garmin GPS watch – and the battery appeared fine.

3.  Told my biker team (i.e. hubby Paddy) to get ready for a 10 miler ride – the last 10 miles.

4.  I departed for the first 10 miles.  Garmin working fine.  Beeped at mile 4….beeped at mile 5….died at mile 5.5

5.  Stopped to have a chat with my Garmin.  It didn’t help.   Called Paddy to have him re-charge my original Garmin – and I would retrieve this when we did our mile 10 rendezvous.

6.  Remembered that my phone had an Endomondo App – so I turned it on to record my remaining distance.

7.  Got startled each and every time I added another mile – with Ms. Endomondo telling me all sorts of stats and numbers.  I didn’t really need all this info – but didn’t want to stop to figure out the settings.

8.  Met with Paddy support crew on bicycle at mile 11.5 – inhaled some power goop.   Got a boost of energy.   We’re off for a new route now.

9.  Ran a long downhill and felt some pain in my left hip (hip flexors are tight).  Wasn’t bad enough to stop – but it did get my attention.  Focused on my gait to make sure this doesn’t get worse.

10.  We navigated a few miles along a shady trail, next to a bubbling creek.   Aaaah – life is good!

11.  Eventually there is a long uphill to compensate for that downhill – at mile 16.  Still moving strong and take a mini-break to gulp down water and more power goop.

12.  2 miles left to go – and facing a strong headwind.

13.  Miscalculated the distance based on the new route – and completed an additional 9.6 miles — for a total of 21.1

14.  Ice on my hip and knee, and spending the afternoon consuming food and re-hydrating.

Post workout consumption looks like this!
